Part-time Maui residents Bill and Pam Schwartau show us all what a great impact a little gardening can have on a community. Hailing from Minnesota, this couple spends the winter months here on Maui where they have volunteered at Hali’imaile Community Garden since January of 2013. During their stay on the island, the Schwartaus dedicate one day each week tending to their Goodwill Garden, which they created to help our partner organizations Hale Kau Kau and the Maui Foodbank feed the community with fresh, locally-grown vegetables. Not only do Pam and Bill spend their time planting, maintaining and harvesting, they also make weekly deliveries of their produce to both Hale Kau Kau and Maui Foodbank. We are grateful for all the work the Schwartaus have done to the community and are proud to offer them the Maui Volunteer Hero award.
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