Have you heard about #GivingTuesday? It’s the Tuesday after Thanksgiving designated as a global giving day to support any and all charities and causes.
A cultural center in New York, in partnership with the United Nations Foundation, founded #GivingTuesday in 2012. The worldwide event encourages people to donate their time, resources, and talents to solve issues in their communities by harnessing the power of social media as a platform. As a result, organizations all over the world contribute to this movement, and you can too.
Here are some ways you can be a part of it!
Attend events
Because it’s so widely recognized, #GivingTuesday is a great time to host a charity event. Some organizations hold color runs, charity auctions or pet adoption fairs to gain attention and raise money for their cause. Since their goal is to raise awareness and funds, the more people that attend, the merrier! Find out what your local organizations are doing and plan to attend. Better yet, gather a group of your friends and go with them!
Volunteer your time
After celebrating Thanksgiving with your family, take time to give back by volunteering at a local charity. There are so many people in need, especially during the holiday season. It’s also a time many organizations can use extra help, whether it’s hosting special events or daily operations. By volunteering at a local organization, you can directly make a personal difference in the lives of others’. You can make it a family tradition to spend a few hours on #GivingTuesday volunteering at your chosen organization.
Give a donation
Even if you don’t live near your favorite charity, you can always support their goal. For instance, you can make an online donation. Many charities have donation pages that are easily accessible to anyone in the world. So instead of planning to exchange gifts this holiday season, why not agree to make donations to a charity? Many charities will give you a gift in exchange for your donation, which is just an added plus.
Learn about new charities
#GivingTuesday is all about shining a spotlight on charities, so take the opportunity to check out some new organizations that you can be a part of! No matter what your interests or passions, there is probably an organization out there dedicated to improving it. Also, make sure that you check out which charities are giving the most money to the causes you care about (and which ones aren’t being honest) to make an informed choice.
Spread the news on social media
Social media is the greatest vehicle for the #GivingTuesday movement. Therefore, make sure you post some pictures of your volunteering experience at your local shelter or organization to join the online conversation about volunteering. The more that people show their involvement in giving, the more that others will want to give as well. Ramp up to #GivingTuesday by letting people know ahead of time about any events your organization has planned.
Learn more about #GivingTuesday here.