Maui Youth Volunteering Part I: Attracting Young Volunteers
Benefits of Youth Volunteerism
There are many benefits of involving young volunteers with an organization’s mission. Connecting with youth volunteers not only helps the community, it also helps the next generation succeed in many areas of their life. Studies on youth volunteering show that children and teens who volunteer are more likely to feel connected with their communities, and less likely to engage in risky behavior. Young volunteers are also 19 percent more likely to graduate from college than their peers.
Did you know that volunteering at a young age sets a pattern of volunteering that continues into adulthood? Over two-thirds of adult volunteers started volunteering as children. Young volunteers also bring a level of energy and enthusiasm that has a way of invigorating everyone working on a project.
Tips for Attracting Young Volunteers
- Reach out to youth organizations such as local Boy and Girl Scout troops, local church groups, and summer day camps
- Advertise in youth publications
- Organize family-friendly volunteer events
- Reach out to youth through social media outlets
Encouraging children and teens to volunteer is a worthwhile effort for everyone involved. How does your organization attract young volunteers?