GetConnected Training Videos
From Beginner to Advanced, these videos will get you up to speed on our Virtual Volunteer Center in no time!Tracking Your Agency’s Volunteer Hours & Stats
Learn how to track your agency’s volunteer hours and stats with the GetConnected virtual volunteer center.
Volunteer Schedule
See which volunteers are coming to volunteer for you today using your handy-dandy Volunteer Schedule!
Opportunity Scheduling
Make your volunteer scheduling as efficient as possible with GetConnected Opportunity Scheduling. This video walks you through all your scheduling options.
Check In Your Volunteers
The check in feature allows your organization to stay organized and keep track of all your volunteers. Watch this video to learn how to use this useful GetConnected feature.
Creating an Event for your Agency
Does your organization have a special event coming up? Create an event posting to connect with volunteers in your community.
Posting an Opportunity
Creating an opportunity for your agency is a great way to get started with GetConnected, our Virtual Volunteer Center.
Become a Partner: Joining HandsOn Maui as an Agency Manager
Becoming a partner has many benefits for your organization. This video walks you through the process of signing up.
Editing Your Agency Profile on GetConnected
Editing your Agency Profile in GetConnected is easy. Watch this video for tips to make your Agency Profile stand out!