The work doesn’t stop after volunteer recruitment. Quite the opposite! Few things are more valuable to an organization than a dedicated, passionate base of volunteers. Use these 25 ideas to improve non-profit volunteer retention at your organization:
A good First Impression
- Provide detailed task descriptions
- Make sure every new volunteer feels welcome
- Provide good background on your organization
- Make sure every volunteer knows how he or she is making a difference
- Give every volunteer a tour of the facility
- Make sure every volunteer knows who to go to for help or questions
- Treat your new volunteers like customers
Treat them Well
- Tailor volunteer opportunities to match individuals’ needs
- Stay “in the moment” when talking to your volunteers; make them feel special and needed
- Make sure there is enough volunteer work to go around, and have some extra tasks set aside in case your volunteers get their work done early
- Ask for feedback and suggestions
Be Flexible
- Respect your volunteers’ other commitments. Don’t insist they stay longer or perform tasks outside their scope
- Provide more short-term volunteer opportunities
- Provide a wide variety of volunteer opportunities
- Organize fun family volunteer events
Go Above and Beyond
- Fuel their passions. Don’t lose sight of why your volunteers picked your cause; inspire them
- Share thank you notes and success stories with your volunteers
- Many people volunteer to boost their career. Offer personal references and other ways to help them
- Provide refreshments whenever possible
- Go to volunteer leadership seminars and training to stay as relevant and engaging as possible
Show Appreciation
[bctt tweet=”Volunteers are paid in gratitude; pay them often! #volunteermaui #volunteerretention” username=”HandsOn_Maui_”]
- Volunteers are paid in gratitude; pay them often
- Take part in Volunteer Appreciation Day
- Hold volunteer “thank you” events at the completion of big projects
- Send out birthday cards and holiday greetings to your volunteers, letting them know what a difference they made that year
Never Stop Learning
- Don’t get complacent; keep on learning and trying new things to improve non-profit volunteer retention